Jennifer Pryor Selected as one of the Top 50 Women Leaders of Virginia for 2023

Jennifer Pryor was selected as one of the Top 50 Women Leaders of Virginia for 2023. She is the Graduate Program Director for the Department of Gerontology at Virginia Commonwealth University. She also serves as the Co-Director for the NAB-accredited assisted living administration specialty area within the Master of Science in Gerontology program where she is an instructor, advisor, and supervisor to students who are in pursuit of their license as an assisted living administrator. At the undergraduate level, Jennifer serves as the Director of Service Learning for the Bachelor of Science in Health Services program in the College of Health Professions where she also teaches and works with students to develop their skills in healthcare management. Finally, at the national level, Jennifer serves as the Vice Chair of the Education Committee with the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB). To support her work in all of these roles, Jennifer maintains a valid Virginia License in Assisted Living Administration.
Jennifer’s personal and professional goal is to challenge the paradigm of the long-term care continuum and promote innovation and development in the long-term care sector to foster inclusiveness, community, and awareness of ageism. She speaks and trains at the national, state, and local levels on topics related to ageism in long-term care, assisted living administration, best practices in assisted living, and leadership. Jennifer's research and educational areas of interest include: long-term care organizations with a particular emphasis on the assisted living sector; administration, management, and leadership in long-term care; education and training for the long-term care workforce; ageism and ableism in long-term care practice; and best practices in long-term care administration related to higher quality of life and higher quality of care for individuals living in these communities, especially as they relate to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Jennifer earned her undergraduate degree in psychology from Hollins University, a master’s degree in psychology from the College of William and Mary, and a master’s degree in gerontology from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is currently working on her PhD in health services organizations and research from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Visit The Women We Admire's website to see the Top 50 Women Leaders of Virginia for 2023.